Monday, April 18, 2011

Usages and Applications of Motivation

How can we motivate students to learn?  Brody states that two students will hear the same lecture and one student will be motivated to learn while the other is not. This can occur because one student has a higher level of cognitive functioning in that particular subject area as well as already having an underlying interest in the topic.  Other reasons a student might be interested in a particular topic is that the teacher is captivating and excited with the material.  According to Brody, there must be a match between a person's cognitive level and the task at hand in order to motivate him or her to succeed in a particular area (Brody, 1999). 

Brody states that three factors need to occur to motivate students including"(a) attainment
value (the importance of attaining success on the task to affirm our self-concept or fulfill our needs for achievement, power, or prestige), (b) intrinsic or interest value (the enjoyment that we get from engaging in the task), and (c) utility value (the role that engaging in the task may play in advancing our career or helping us to reach other larger goals)" (Brody, 1999).  If we, as teachers, can try to use the three factors in working with our nurses students, then we will motivate them to learn.  For example, while lecturing about the heart, I could tell students how important this material is for their future as nurses.  Next, I could have lively slides with sounds that would captivate the audience.  Lastly, I could show students how important the heart function is by allowing students to view a heart catheritization or open heart surgery.  These activities would inspire students to learn the material. 

Brody, J. (1999). Toward a model of the value aspects of motivation in education:. 1999, 34(2), Retrieved from


  1. Emily,

    Great post, motivation is a very important quality to have to be an effective teacher.

  2. Emily, I think sometimes motivation is so hard to achieve with students. I know for one it is hard for me to be motivated academically if I have no interest in the subject. I will have to remember these rules for motivating the next time I have clinicals with my students.

  3. Emily,

    I have to admit I must have some interest in the material I am learning to kept me motivated to learn.

  4. Emily,
    I agree that the ability to motivate students is not easily done but is essential to being an effective educator. Great job and very applicable and informative!
