Sunday, April 17, 2011

What is Motivation and Why is it Important?

Ormond defines motivation as "an internal state that arouses us to action, pushes us in particular directions, and keeps us engaged in certain activities.."(Ormond, 2008, p. 452).  What are some of the effects of motivation?  Motivation increases one's level of energy as well as level of activity.  If a person wants to succeed in a particular area, then he or she will work harder to accomplish the goal.  Next, if one is motivated then he or she will do whatever is needed in order to achieve what he or she wants (Ormond, 2008, p. 453).  Motivation is important because it is the factor that drives people to accomplish goals. 

What about motivation in nurses at the work place?  According to Toode and associates, there are five factors affect motivation including "(1) work place characteristics, (2) working conditions, (3) personal characteristics, (4) individual priorities, and (5) internal psychological states" (Toode).  Toode and associates state there is a direct correlation between positive feelings in the work place and high motivation.  If nurses feel that they are valued members of the team, then they will be more likely motivated to perform to the best of their ability.  Working conditions such as good hours affect nurses' motivation.  Toode and associates state the day shift nurses tend to be more motivated than their night shift counterparts (Toode, 2011).

Personal characteristics that affects motivation among nursing include age, sex, and educational level.  Toode and associates state that the more educated a nurse is creates higher levels of motivation.  Sex of the nurse does not impact motivational levels.  In non-ICU areas, nurses under the age of 30 were more motivated in their work tasks than their counterparts.  In ICU areas, age does not impact motivation (Toode, 2011). 

Individual priorities affect motivation in nursing.  If a nurse feels he or she has control over her time, he or she is more motivated to complete tasks.  Nurses who are motivated to help others which in turn causes them to be more motivated in their work duties.  Toode and associates state that nurses who chose nursing as a career in order to make a difference in the lives of others were more motivated than their counterparts. 
Internal psychological states affects motivation in nursing.  If a nurse feels what he or she does has meaning and significance, then he or she will more likely be motivated to perform tasks in a conscience manner (Toode, 2011) . 

Motivation is important for numerous reasons.  It allows people to accomplish goals.  It can create happiness in the workplace.  Motivation allows people to succeed at their careers, the level of fitness, and diet.  Motivation is the driving force of life. 

Toode, K., Routasalo, P., & Suominen, T. (2011). Work motivation of nurses: a literature review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 48(2), 246-257. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Ormrod, J. E. (2008). Human learning. (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.

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